The Benefits of Training: Change Your Story
Years ago during my depression, I couldn't see a way out. I even contemplated suicide. That's weird to think today.
Now, I feel like I have to make everyday count. Like I'm driving a car to the most beautiful destination I could ever imagine, and I have complete control of the steering wheel.
How can things have become so different for me?
Maybe it was just time; as I got older, I've seen things more clearly.
Or maybe, I actually did take control of the steering wheel, despite how difficult the road may have seemed at the time.
I prefer to think it was the latter. I prefer to give myself the credit for that. That's a win I gladly celebrate.
And how did I do it?
Through training, through consistency, and through discipline over a long period of time.
Have you ever felt like you're lost like I did, or that maybe you have greater potential, but are just unsure about how to go about achieving that?
This is one of the best benefits of training, the ability for each of us to completely change our story.
We can go from lost to driven, tired all the time to full of energy, unhealthy to healthy.
When you start, you think that the only benefit that you get, or want to get, is being leaner, adding muscle, or being fitter.
Those are benefits you can get, and for many people, simply being consistent gets you each of those, without even noticing sometimes.
But you can completely change the trajectory of your life, simply by taking control of your health, one of few things you truly have control over. Your health is your foundation.
It's yours to own, yours to take responsibility of.
When we change how we look or how we feel, we realise we have power to change any other aspect of ourselves.
And when we feel like we can change any aspect of ourselves, we can feel like we could completely change our whole life story.
Don't believe me?
I see it everyday with clients.
I'm a walking embodiment of that.
People often don't understand that training could have such an effect, because they've never tried it, or have never tried it long enough to feel that effect.
This is why I often talk about training for the long term. Giving yourself the time to learn, understand, develop and apply the lessons you learn to the rest of your life.
Will an 8 Week Challenge change your life. It might. I've seen it happen rarely before.
But with the drastic changes, can those efforts be maintain for the long term?
This is where people often trip up.
And this is why people constantly feel like they're up and down with their health, body composition, fitness etc.
A give clients a long term plan, in order to develop their habits, to change their long term life story.
It doesn't sound as sexy as "6 Minute Abs", but it's 100% more effective.
You should try it some time.