The Benefits of Training: Developing a New Mindset
Have you ever thought to yourself "I could never do that" or "I'm no good at that so there's no point trying"?
I understand, I used to be there.
I have often thought in my past that because I'm more introverted I could never run a business or make connections with people who I coach.
It's a weird thought to have, because through most of our lives, we do things that either we didn't think we could do, or had zero experience in before we tested it out.
If you've been to Univeristy or College, you know how practicing and focusing on something for a long period of time, can get you a degree.
The same is true if you've learned how to drive a car.
Throughout our lives, there are many things we had no experience in, but became good at through consistency, patience and time.
When we believe we can't do something or improve in something, this is called a fixed mindset. It's the idea that you are who you are, and there's no changing that.
This is why training is so beneficial. You go to the gym, train consistently for a few months or years, and you become leaner, fitter and stronger.
No magic, no special program, no miracle diet. You just practice over and over for a long time and you improve.
As I got results from the gym, I started asking myself "okay, what else can I improve in?" You see, I'd started making improvements with my own body, and mindset, so it made me believe I could do the same with any other thing I dedicated time to.
This is what we call a Growth Mindset.
I genuinely believe, that with focus and attention, I could be great at anything.*
Of course, there aren't that many things I want to be great at, and it's not like I have the time to do all of them right now anyway. But with focus, I can 100% improve anything in my life.
Do you want to get lean and healthy? I guarantee you can improve both of those with consistent training.
This isn't to say you can be the world's best at anything. No, things like environment and genetics often put a cap on us compared to other people. But there is no cap on our own potential. There is no "I can't be good at learning languages because I've never been good" or "I can't lose weight, I've always been fat".
Nope, day in, day out, I see people improve, ever so slightly on who they are, on how they feel, on how they make others feel.
I've done it myself, and you can do it too.
And it all starts with the simple act of training.
*But not everything. Focus on the things you really enjoy, and don't spread yourself to thin trying to be the world's greatest human being.