Are You Struggling to Find the Time to Exercise?
Are You Struggling to Find the Time to Exercise?
A new year rolls around and you’re thinking you need to take control of your health. Or maybe you’ve just looked at yourself in the mirror and don’t feel the best about what you see.
Or maybe you’ve had to buy some more clothing at a bigger size recently...
It’s not like you’re unhealthy, but you just feel like you could lose some weight.
What annoys you a bit is that you used to be fit, but life started to get busy, and now you just struggle to find the time.
Or maybe you never really got into “fitness”, but since you’re so busy, sitting a lot at work and generally a little less active, you’ve put on a few kilos.
Either way, you know you need to do something…
But again, how do you find the time?
Between work, which is non-stop it seems, staying social with best friends and family, and doing the things you enjoy, it just seems almost impossible to find that one hour a day to exercise…
It’s All or Nothing
Does any of the above sound familiar?
Well it’s okay, you’re not alone, and you’re not a bad person, or you haven’t let anyone.
In fact, more than likely the reason you might have added a few kilos or started to feel unhealthy is simply because you have different priorities.
You see, as you get older, life becomes about a bit more than going to the beach with friends and trying to impress boys or girls. And it’s not about the constant partying.
At some point we grow up and give more of our time to our friends, our families and our work. And before you know it, it’s taken its toll on us.
But another part of the reason is because we here in the “fitness industry” do something that’s not the best for your mental health: we show the all or nothing.
What I mean is that, many times we just show this end product. The six pack, the big muscles, the tanned body.
And you know what, that can be a bit intimidating, especially if we don’t show you there’s anything else to go for.
Habitual Habits
How those “fit” people get to be the way they are is through habits.
You have habits too. Sometimes it’s a chocolate habit, sometimes it’s a brushing your teeth a certain amount of times habit, sometimes it’s a nail chewing habit.
But we all have habits. Just different ones.
And it turns out habits are super powerful, and super hard to break.
And almost as hard to create.
It’s why a lot of people start an exercise program and fall off. It takes quite a bit of time to create an exercise habit.
Small Starts
That’s why here at PEAK, we start small.
Not at the six pack end of things, at the beginning end of things.
Small habits, that eventually lead to big habits. Small progress that eventually leads to big progress.
To get an exercise habit, well you need to make exercise a priority.
And how do you make something a priority?
By making it the first thing you do. The very first thing you do….like as soon as you wake up kind of first thing.
And so, if you want to create that exercise habit, you need something to do as soon as you wake up, and something small that doesn’t feel overwhelming
But where could you find such a thing??....
Well now that you mention it, there is and it’s in a cool free guide I’ve made.
But....we’ve included a few other simple things you can do to slowly and surely make changes in your finances, career, relationships and mindset.
But if you don’t care about that, just check out the free training program at the bottom. It’s simple, lasts two months AND I promise it will make you feel awesome for your work day as well.
It’s been tested on the PEAK crew, I do it DAILY, and I know it works!
Grab it below.
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