Shifting Your Mindset for More Happiness


Shifting Your Mindset for More Happiness

For a long time when I was young, the idea of weight training put me off. I didn't want to be part of that scene. This in itself an interesting thought. What about the "scene" was I worried about? And why was I letting my own misconceptions, based on zero data, sway my thinking? I might have just given a life lesson in the first paragraph of a blog...

If it wasn't for the fact I had depression to the point I considered suicide (geez Marco, way to get heavy on just the second paragraph of the blog...) I might never have started.

In that way, I'm grateful for that depression. I suspect you've had a pretty solid mindset shift when you say "you're grateful for depression".

But it honestly set me on this path; it's been a long path, but a very good one.

You don't have to have depression to make this shift however. 

Each day, I write down 3 things I'm grateful for. Sometimes, the things I say I'm grateful for aren't the obvious things, but instead it's about the thing I'm struggling with at that moment, be it my mindset, my physical health, the business, anything. I've learned the struggle in where growth lies. I've also learned that much of our struggles are simply self created - we can choose to happy at any time.

I also shift my thinking by realising I get to do this thing I've chosen to do. 

This is important to remember if you're working - so basically much of your adult life, that you get do this job. This can be hard when you're getting paid and you're not doing your dream job. Everything can feel like "I've got to". It's puts us in a mindset that makes everything feel like a chore, like we have no choice. 

We do have a choice though. We can always leave if we really hate it. We can always move into a smaller house that costs less. We can cut expenses. We can make choices to remove ourselves from that "got to" thinking.

But there is another choice. A better truth: you get to earn money. You get to work with other people. You get to learn new things. You get to have a stable job. You get to buys things that make your life comfortable.

This comes back to our health as well. Exercise, training, eating healthy - they all feel like "got to". They can feel like chores, especially if it's not naturally something you enjoy doing.

The other way to think about it is to be grateful you're healthy enough to actually exercise, and you get to do it because your life is comfortable enough to do so.

Until next time,


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