Tips To Get You Through The Silly Season


Tips To Get You Through The Silly Season

How to get through without adding too much weight.


By Marco Augusto

Well, we're finally coming up to the end of 2021.

What a year it has been, and for many of us, not the reason's we'd like.

But if you're reading this, you've made it through, and you're probably just keen to unwind this festive season.

But before you go a little crazy, read this article to get some ideas on how to get through.

And it's important you get through, because unsurprisingly, the festive season is the time of the year that people put on the most weight.

Yes, November and December are when people pack on the most kilograms.

It's not a surprise of course, because we eat and drink a lot.

It might seem like a short period of time, but it can account for up to 5 kilograms of weight gain.

Is it possible to put on that much weight in that time?

You bet, because some people are eating up to 50% more calories then usual, and sometimes moving even less than usual.

It's the perfect recipe for weight gain.

So here are a few tips to help you get through and stick to your health goals.

Don't Over Eat

Kind of obvious right? But many people feel the need to eat 2 or 3 times what they usually would, because it's the holidays right, and that's what you have to do!

The other option is to just eat a normal amount of food, and you'll still enjoy yourself no worries.

Just remember that enjoying yourself doesn't mean you have to eat and drink yourself sick.

Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is something people do, where they fast for extended periods of time. The simplest version is basically skipping breakfast and not eating until lunch, in what is termed 16/8 fasting; fasting for 16 hours (after dinner one night all the way through to lunch the next day) and then an 8 hour eating window.

This is a simple way to limit some calories being consumed.

Another simple example might be eating minimal calories a few days of the week before or after Christmas Day, to account for the excess calories on the day itself.

Have the Correct Mindset

If you've got no problem eating a lot and putting on weight, then go ahead and do it, as long as you're prepared. Remember, you don't need to look a certain way or weigh a certain number. But it's up to you to be comfortable with that.

If you are unprepared for that and then get a shock when you step on the scales in the new year, it can really effect your mindset.

So if you're willing to throw caution to the wind, be prepared for the consequences.

Increase Exercise

You need to be careful of this; you can easily exercise too much (too much of anything can be a bad thing).

How much is too much? It's been shown that people exercising up to 15 hours a week has mostly positive effects, so you can probably train more than you think.

If you do moderate levels usually, it would be fine to increase.

And what if you currently don't exercise at all?

Well there's nothing wrong with starting now. Don't feel the need to wait until 2022 to make a change. The best time to start is right now.

The key takeaway is to relax and enjoy yourself, but there's no need to go silly, because there's a very good chance that will have a negative effect on your health in the short and long term.

Until next time,


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