Training for a Better Brain: Why Training Makes for a Better Mindset
Training for Life.
That's what my friend Matt said about why he trained still.
At 35 he's still a stud. Lean, tan, million dollar smile.
His brother Damien wakes at 4am to train. When he doesn't train, he surf's.
A stud as well, super motivated and a friend for life. I love those guys.
I'm close (even though we don't see each other heaps) to both of them.
I feel a sense of connection because of a troubled mindset, made good through training.
Tara is another friend knows the value of training. When she doesn't train, she feels more tired, slower and her head space isn't the best. She trains for the feeling it gives her first, for how she looks second.
Then there's Alaine and Kellie who I train. Both busy, both committed to the program, but for more reasons than looking good.
Sure, this isn't scientific evidence, but this anecdotal evidence is what I feel and see each day.
Yes, training makes us look good, but the effect it has on our way of thinking is the real magic.
You can turn negative into positive.
You can turn fixed mindset into growth mindset.
You can turn darkness into light.
You can turn selfish into gratitude.
And at the same time, you can squat heavy, get jacked and look great.
Each time we overcome something difficult in training, it helps us to practice for difficult times in life.
Each time we fail during training, it helps us to learn that failure isn't lasting, and we get a second chance.
Each time we turn up to training when we're tired, when it's cold or hot, when we just aren't feeling motivated, it teaches us to be consistent and disciplined.
And at the same time, you can squat heavy, get jacked and look great.
The fitness industry (you know we're trying to exploit things/people as soon as it's an industry) focuses on the physical, especially looking good.
I actually have no problem with this. Genuinely, what is wrong with wanting to look good?
But let's not skip over the real benefits of training.
Because while looking good is great for you, I and probably most other people, could give zero shits about how you look.
But if you're a positive person, if you make them happy, now we start to notice you, now we care, now we want to be around you.
And that's all mindset.
Training to look good as the main motivation doesn't seem to be working. In general, we're becoming more obese.
So I want to communicate the extra benefits of training.
We coach people for more than the physical.
We coach people to be Strong for Life.
And now, like my friends and clients, it's your turn to be Strong for Life.
When you’re ready to start, check out the free 12 Week Training program below, the 1st of 6 free ebooks to help you look great and think great.