What Type of Person Are You When No One Is Watching?
It’s an incredible feeling to be supported by those who love you as you pursue your goals and dreams.
Knowing your loved ones will be there, no matter what, helps you throw caution to the wind and believe. Having that support, plus your own drive, can really make a difference.
One of the techniques people have used to help them stick to their goals is to let everyone know about their goals. It’s a way to use the outside pressure from others to help us stay on track. And it can work. It’s like recruiting others into your team who will hold you accountable when you go off track.
The real question is, when no is around, and it’s just you and you, what type of person are you?
You see, we give ourselves free rides all the time. We’re both our own worst critics AND and own worst task masters.
When we’re tired and not thinking straight, do we fall into old habits, or stay strong and battle on?
Having a coach to pull you up on things is great.
Why didn’t you do what you said you’d do?
Have you really been following the plan?
Your results seem different from what you’re saying, why?
Friends and family can also pull us up, letting us know that what we’re doing and saying are two different things.
But that’s not the hard part. When others are watching, it’s much easier to do not only what you said you were going to do, but what you think they want you to do.
What about when you’re ALL alone? In those moments of weakness, when nobody's watching, and no one else would know better, what choice will you make?
“For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way”
I’m not writing this as if I always make the right decision.
No, this is a challenge for all of us, to really pay attention to those moments when we’re alone and are tempted to make the easy decision.
The one that feels good now, but doesn’t help us get closer to our goals.
If we can make that right decision more often than not, we’ll be well on our way to achieving our goals.
And maybe we can finally silence that critic...
For more information on how you can start achieving your own goals in all aspects of life, go to: