Why Should You Train?
Why Do You Train?
Why should you train?
I'm a big believer that this "fitness" thing we've created is completely full of shit.
That we're selling you something, fitness we call it, by making you feel bad or less, compared to everyone else.
But the question remains, why do you train?
To be lean? Why do you want to be lean?
To be fit? why do you want to be fit?
Or are you doing this because we told you it's something you should want.
Of course there are benefits to being lean and fit, but those qualities aren't removed from the rest of your life, like some special category that isn't affected by other areas of our life, or doesn't affect other areas of our life.
Today I ran Alaine and Jacob through a mental toughness session.
Mother and son being tested physically, mentally, emotionally.
The goal wasn't "fitness" or "to get lean".
The goal was to keep moving, keep pushing, keep grinding, to not give up.
The goal was to experience, in 1 hour, the emotions we feel in life day to day, week to week.
The goal was to see how tough they were. What they could overcome. That they won't give up on themselves when things get hard.
It just so happens that by doing so, they'll get lean and fit.
We sell you this shiny object that doesn't really make your life better, at least not in any obvious way.
The message is that lean and fit means a better life.
But there are people with eating disorders who are lean.
And there are fit people who aren't fit to be in a long term relationship or jobs.
It's not that the shiny object is bad.
It just doesn't help you in the long term.
Instead, I train people for life.
Training is about life.
We train for a better life.