3 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Results From Your Training
The hope that comes when that countdown is finished is almost palatable.
The start of a new year is always filled with hope.
"What does this year hold for me?"
"What can I achieve?"
"I want to change my life!"
"This year I'm going to...."
As a trainer, I see a lot of people start training in the new year. Many people drop off.
But for the few who stick to it, many still don't get the results they're after. Another reason often to quit.
But why don't people get results? Why do some people get great results with what seems like the same effort?
Is this something you've experienced? Have you spent time training, and just seen little to no result from all your effort?
Have you ever asked yourself "what's the point? Nothing I do seems to work..."?
There are a few commonalities I see with people who don't get results....
No Plan
have you ever heard of the Hail Mary play? With only a few seconds left on the clock, the quarterback just throws the ball as far downfield as he can and prays that one of his team mates will catch it and win the game.
This is how many people go about their training. Just do it and hope. Unfortunately (and fortunately, depending on your circumstance), the human body is amazing at adapting. So when we just train and hope for a change, the body changes slightly, but adapts until all that training causes no change to our body. To overcome this, you need a plan.
How do you get from A to B? How do you change things when the body surely adapts?
When a trainer or coach provides a program, this is the plan. The trainer thinks about how to continue to make progress. The trainer's job is to get you from A to B. Otherwise, this is something you will have to think about. A lot of people don't, and when the results start to dry up, they become disheartened and quit.
Lack of Intent (And Lack of Intensity)
This is linked to point number 1. Many people go to a gym (or anywhere where people train really) with the aim to move. This is not at all a bad mindset to have, because action leads to results. But as I stated above, the body adapts to action quickly. Having a plan definitely helps. But there needs to be intent when carrying out a plan.
As an example, I see people do a set of 12 shoulder press. But you can do that in a number of ways. You could do it as quickly as possible. You could do it using really light weights. You could do it use over the top heavy weights and only moving it 2 inches at a time.
Intent is about asking "what is the aim of this exercise?".
Think of intent as carrying out the plan with excellence.
Yes, moving the weights helps, but moving the weight with a clear purpose, focus and concentration, that leads to results.
As an extra point, most people either have no intensity at the gym, or too much. That is, they either just cruise through their training and basically just turn up, or only do high intensity sessions. Always remember, how much you sweat is not the sign of a good training session (neither is spewing, failing, feeling light headed, having a trainer shout in your face, having loud music or feeling puffed), but also not sweating is a good sign you're doing little to nothing to make any change.
No Accountability
You want to know why running a business is hard? Is it the risk? Is it the ups and downs that come with each success and disappointment? It's both of those AND the fact that you have no one to answer to. All the decisions are yours to own. You are accountable to no one. Do you know how hard it is to be accountable to yourself?
It turns out training is very similar. Are you going to hit that weigh-in that you set for yourself? Are you going to forgo that donut because you told yourself not to? Most people can't do this.
You need to have accountability to someone. (If you're unsure if you can do this yourself, look to your past? Have you done what it takes to get lean and healthy by setting yourself your goals and sticking to the plan? If you could have done it, you would it. So if you haven't done it, you probably can't).
This is why so many people get trainers and coaches. They set the plan, they make sure you're following the plan to the best of your ability, but they also check in with you. You may not want to let yourself down, but you probably will. But letting yourself AND someone else down, now that will get you to stay accountable!
Part of what I do here at PEAK is make sure that each client understands each of these points. Every month clients get a new training program, which is part of a bigger 12 month plan. Each client is run through our fundamentals program, where I teach how to move with intent and purpose to achieve their goals, and each week I check in with clients (obviously more times if they are face to face clients) to see what they need help with, how we can improve, simple things to work on etc.
Do you want help with planning, intent and accountability? Check out one of my free programs, which you can download below for FREE