What's the Least You Could Do?
Each day my alarm wakes me at 4:25am.
If it's warm in the summer time or freezing in winter I (try to) wake up at that time.
In fact, as long as I'm in my house, the alarm will sound.
My first move is to drink my half a liter of water.
My second move it to train.
Yep, at 5am(ish) I'm training.
It's only 10 minutes, and the aim isn't to get [insert common fitness/body composition goals].
Simply, it's to be consistent, disciplined and start the day off the right way.
I always feel good after that session, even if I don't feel good before.
I don't always get the training in, but lately I've done it for 21 days straight.
Hooray for me, but this isn't about my training.
But it got me thinking, could that 10 minutes actually help me achieve a goal?
Is there a goal you want to achieve with how you look and feel, but you just feel overwhelmed with how to go about it?
If you're someone who doesn't train, and decided to follow my lead and do something for 10 minutes everyday, for a year, you would go from 0 hours training to 60 hours training in a year. Pretty impressive for only 10 minutes a day.
If you're someone like me who trains about 5 hours a week, you would go from about 250 hours of training each year, to 300+, an increase of 20%.
You see, so often we get it in our heads that it has to be all or nothing.
The perfect gym clothing, in the perfect gym, with the perfect mirrors and air conditioning, following the perfect program.
And if we don't have that, we don't take action.
Yet, 10 minutes a day, could potentially change your life.
Will you get that incredible 6 pack from 10 minutes a day?
Probably not, but you could look and feel better than you do now.
And that's worth something right?
I often say "something is better than nothing" in regards to training.
And it truly is.
A consistent training habit is better than the perfect program you can't commit to.
It should feel easy on your best day, and achievable on your worst.
So maybe, 10 minutes a day is that achievable habit that changes your life.