Has Your Training Progress Stalled?
Being 22 and starting to weight train was a great time. I could eat what I liked without necessarily putting on any fat, and I would gain all the muscle.
Not so anymore. Now after years of training, my body has adapted to the stimulus of training, so I need to work even harder and smarter to get results.
If you've started training just this year as part of a new year's resolution or just a desire to change, then try different training styles, sports or fitness programs to see what you like best. Basically, most things will provide results if you're consistent with them.
But if you've been training a while, say more than 18 months, then you may start to see a slow down in progress.
The dreaded training plateau.
It's made many a person frustrated, and even a few quit training all together.
But why? Why does this happen?
As I mentioned, the body adapts. Pretty quickly in fact.
Yet, I see so many people doing the same exercises in the same way using the same weights, hoping, praying for a change to their body.
I love consistently working on the basics, but you can also take it too far.
The problem? Many of these people don't have a plan. There's no road map to get them from A to B. Some people don't even know what B looks like.
A few things we do here at PEAK to help people achieve their goals:
Set long term goals (obviously).
Tie those goals to their other goals in life; find the real reason for that goal.
Make a plan.
All three points above are important, but the last one is where the progress is made. It's my job to help clients reach their goals, but I need to draw that road map for them. I need to help clients reach goals through consistency and variation. It sounds challenging, and it is, but again, it's my job.
So do you have a plan? Maybe the plan is to get a coach to do your plan. That works.
Maybe it's following a long term program that matches your goals. That works too.
Maybe it's just training exercises you see other's do and hoping it will work for you. Actually that's not a good plan, and there's no guarantee it will work.
If you want to continue to get results (and you should), then you need a plan.
Want help creating that plan? Do you want to set goals that genuinely mean something to you, but unsure how? Book an Intake Interview and find out how we can help you set meaningful goals, plan your future and bust your training and life plateaus!
Click the button below to Book and Intake Interview and find out how PEAK Strength & Nutrition can help you.