Book Recommendation: The War of Art


Book Recommendation: The War of Art

I wanted to start presenting books that have shaped my life over these last 5 to 6 years especially since I've started PEAK Strength & Nutrition.

The truth is, before I really got into coaching, books weren't something I overly enjoyed. I just couldn't commit the time or energy to reading books, and aside from a few classics, it was never something I did a great deal growing up.

As I've started reading more and more, I've learned that books offer wisdom and knowledge in a way that only a mentor can give, which is convenient, because you're not always going to have access to the type of mentor you want.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is one of those books that is great to start reading when you're looking to make a shift in your thinking or if you've always wanted to start something new. It's length is short, it's chapters bite size and easy to digest, but the ideas put across by Pressfield are a reminder of the difficulty you'll face when starting anything worth starting.

The Resistance, as Pressfield puts it, is that invisible force that makes us procrastinate, sabotage our own efforts, look for distractions or make excuses. Any difficulty we face with a project, is the Resistance. As much as this sounds like a tale made up by Pressfield, the feeling he describes has been felt by everyone; he's simply put a name on it. And here' Resitance is shown to not be an external force as we so often think, but it comes from within. It is us who holds us back, and understanding this is powerful.

The book starts with awareness, but goes onto how to combat the Resistance - by Turning Pro. Pressfield highlights the difference between an Amatuer and a Pro (it's not about the money), showing the reading exactly what they need to do to become Pro.

And to bring it back to health and fitness, since that's the main thing I talk about, every time you make an excuse for not exercising, stop and exercise program, eat poorly when you know better or generally sabotage your own result in some way, this is the Resistance.

What makes the book helpful is to learn that everyone feels what you feel, and the habits or actions of those who overcome that feeling to create something worth creating.

Check out the book here.

Until next time,


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