Things I'm Shit At


Things I'm Shit At

When it comes to my health, here are a list of things I'm shit at doing consistently:

  • Stretching

  • Sleeping 8 hours (or 7 hours)

  • Having a sleep routine at all

  • Warming up enough

  • Getting enough sun

  • Stretching (I put it in twice that's how inconsistent I am with it)

  • Getting 5 servings of vegetables

Things I'm good at doing consistently:

  • Training (It feels like I've trained at least 3 times a week for 13 years now...)

  • Nutrition (I eat between 80% to 90% on diet, 90% of the time)

Now this is good for you to know for a few reasons:

  1. You don't need to do absolutely everything perfect to get pretty good results. And while I'm lucky with my genes, I have also worked hard on just a few things.

  2. There's always going to be room for improvement, so don't worry about perfect.

  3. Even as a Coach, based on that list, I'm actually mostly shit with my health. The truth is that most of us are. 

And the bonus point: we project one thing on social media and it's usually what we're awesome at. This industry is great at making things look great for the camera. But even the people who make their social media look like that, are pretty shit at most things, and that's all okay. The shame is that we have to live this bullshit lie. You on the other can just accept the faults you have, but work to improve on them.

Until next time,


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