The Biggest Fight of Your Life


The Biggest Fight of Your Life

I sit down to write.

The day has already started bad as I realised I'd made an expensive mistake for the business.

Not something to end the business, but it's still left me frustrated.

I check Facebook. I check the news. I open Spotify but don't actually start playing any music.

I open Evernote to write this, and more if I can.

I check Facebook and the news again. 

I get a drink of water.

I come back to my desk and open my timer.

90 minutes to write.

I send a few messages.

Finally, I go back to Evernote and type something.

It's taken me maybe 20 minutes of avoiding writing to finally start, but once I do I get on a roll and get some good writing done.

But I realise that people do this in their life all the time. Sometimes on a micro scale like I did, or something on grander scale.

"I'll start eating well on Monday", "I'll talk to them next week".

We do it all the time. 

We let the Resistance win.

That invisible force that keeps us from doing the thing we should do. It's the force that gives us the excuses, the ways out, the distractions.

And it's always going to be there.

So until you find a way to overcome it, you'll continue being stuck, wishing you'd taken action.

So sit down and do the work. Commit to yourself and get to the gym. Talk to that person you need to talk to.

You know what you need to do, now it's time to do it.

Until next time,


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