The Magic Pill
The Magic Pill
The Secret to All Your Health Needs
The magic pill is a pill that you take to solve all your problems in the shortest amount of time possible.
When it comes to your health, that would mean fat loss quickly. Added muscle, added strength, and looking amazing in weeks.
The magic pill, of course, isn't a real thing.
And yet, on a regular basis we're led to believe that this thing is the one to solve all the problems.
Meanwhile, the thing that works, isn't considered. Why?
Too hard?
Too simple?
Too much time?
But the times passes as we try these things we believe to be the magic pill, still not getting any closer to our goal.
If only we started on the slow but almost guaranteed method.
Consistency and hard work.
Not quitting because it gets hard. Showing up even though we're tired.
Does this work?
It's been working for every type of goal for a long time, and especially in the fitness industry.
The magic pill has been available for a long time; it's just that you might be finding it a bit hard to swallow.
Until next time,
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