Eating Healthy While Working From Home


Eating Healthy While Working From Home

Recently I discussed how the office environment can affect our health from the perspective of the decisions we make in regards to our nutrition. 

Pretty simply, if our environment contains foods which are unhealthy, we're eventually going to eat it.

But we're now spending time in our new office at home, and we're facing the same problem, but on a new scale.

Whereas at work, we have to pay for this unhealthy food, a step which may lead some people to choose otherwise, at home, it's already your food, so resisting the urge becomes even more difficult.

This then takes some planning to ensure your "office" environment is one which will support your health. Here are 4 things to do in regards to eating at home to help you with your nutrition choices:

Have a Shopping List

Most often you're going to be making the list at a time when you're not hungry. This will lead to clearer, smarter choices. The list, while not a guarantee you won't buy unhealthy food, at least gives a guideline to direct you to the right choices in that moment while you're shopping.

Eat Before Shopping

When you go to the shops hungry you'll buy foods which quickly satisfy that desire; namely foods filled with sugar.

A small snack of any kind will make your decisions better when you're at the shops. Combined with a list, and you increase your chances of buying the right foods for your health goals.

Have a Budget

Aside from helping with your financial situation, having a food budget will greatly limit what you'll buy. Of course, a lot of unhealthy food is cheap as well, and this can easily make up the bulk of the budget, but learning how to buy healthy food in bulk will help you greatly.

Prepare Your Meals

In my free ebook The Secrets to a Better Body and Healthier Life, I discuss techniques for preparing food in bulk. It's a personal strategy I've used for years. If the meal is already prepared, you're just more likely to eat it. This requires some work on the front end to prepare a lot of meals, but works out better on the back end when your preparation for individual meals is about 5 minutes. It also means you're cooking at a time when you're thinking clearly about eating healthy, meaning the means themselves align with your health goals.

What strategies do you use for eating healthy if you're working from home?

Until next time,


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