How the Intake Interview Helps People


How the Intake Interview Helps People

The Intake Interview is a free consultation I provide people who want to know more about joining PEAK Strength & Nutrition. Why it's great to find out a client's goals and then sell my services, I prefer to coach them through a process, just like I will coach them towards their goals.

The Intake Interview is broken into two parts as follows:

Part 1

During the Intake Interview process, I work with each person to do a "Health Snapshot". It's a way for each of us to understand where the person currently is, by breaking their time into: Work/Professional Career, Relationships (Family, Friends and People), Training/Movement and Rest, Recovery and Reflection

This step seems odd, because surely you understand your current situation, but the truth is, that for you to change your life, something has to change. And that means taking time from somewhere you currently invest it and putting it towards something else.

In this case, taking it from much of the time you spend in comfort, and now applying it to your health. This change can often be uncomfortable and confronting; some people aren't ready to give up their comfort even if they say they are.

In this way, we can understand together where a person is putting there time and attention, and what needs to change to drive that attention somewhere else.

Part 2

The second part of the Intake Interview involves questions based on 4 topics: 

  1. Purpose: what is the deep reason they want to make this change? What will keep them motivated when they don't feel like training?

  2. Behaviours: what behaviours or habits support or take away from this goal? What does this person need to change about themselves?

  3. Relationships: which relationships will support or take away from this goal? What relationships need to form for them to be successful? (One of the relationships is with a coach).

  4. Environments & Systems: What environments do they spend their time? Do these environments support the goal? What systems can we implement? (Eg a training program, diet etc)

This not only provides the intrinsic motivation for the person, but gives an path towards making the change they seek.

If you’d like to experience this coaching, book in for a FREE Intake Interview.

Until next time,


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