A Somewhat Simple Process to Getting Healthy
Years ago, I remember starting training having no idea what to do.
I understood the concept and what needed to be done, but not how to do it.
I read articles online, I bought training programs, I watched videos, and bit by bit it got me closer to my goals.
I got so into my training, I often did it six days a week. Those were the days...
And now, after doing it for 13 years, I can understand why I was so lost, and why you might be too.
You see, I never thought I would be one of the people giving information.
13 years ago, there wasn't as much information to sift through, but even still, there was no way you could get through it all.
In the last 5 years its absolutely exploded.
So it's no surprise if you're feeling overwhelmed by it all.
But it has got me thinking, what actually works?
What is the aim of all of this information?
And am I adding to the overwhelm? (answer to that one is yes).
So I thought about a process to get people to that place they want to be in life.
What is that place for you? Proud? Confident? Strong? Disciplined? In control? Full of energy?
Whatever that feeling is you're looking for, I believe fully that training can get you there.
And so here is the super simple process, without overly a lot of explanation to confuse. Just the steps I think each of us should take or focus on
Training: I like training in the gym, but really training means movement. Surfing, yoga, tennis, mountain biking, weightlifting. Anything that helps you focus on something you enjoy and helps you connect with your body and be in the present moment. Movement is the foundation. Focus on this, do it often; say 2 to 7 days a week.
Time Management: this seems odd, but if you feel like you don't have time to do the things you want to do, you either have the wrong priority or you're managing your time badly. To be consistent with training, you need to be able to manage your time.
Nutrition: Isn't nutrition the most important? Probably, but there's a massive difference between doing one hard, immersive training session and eating one healthy meal. Training provides more lessons for life, nutrition helps you look lean and feel great. E
Sleep: Good sleep provides massive benefits.
Environment: Environment is the spaces you spends time in, the people you spend time with, and the information you consume. Environment is important for our state of mind. Are the inputs negative or positive? This will determine what your output will be.
Mindset: The most important component but the hardest to change. Once all other things are in place, a big shift in mindset can occur, although, each step before this will add to the mindset changing for the better.
It seems like a lot to do, but in fact, each step is the basis for the next. And only one step is the focus until it is consistent. So sleep is only looked into once nutrition is under control for example. In this way, we keep adding to the previous step.
This seems like a high level view of getting healthy, and it is. But the key is clarity. What should you focus on if you want to get healthier? Start with and focus on training until it is a habit.
But what training you ask? the one that makes you happy and you can stick to. Take your time finding what that is, and then get laser focus to be consistent with in and be in the present moment doing it. And then once it you have that under control, work on managing your time better, so that lack of motivation doesn't derail your plans.
Add each only after the other is a habit.
Want help with all of this? Here's the first step to get you started...