Short on Time, Short on Health

During my previous career as an engineer, I worked for a mining OEM that made some of the trucks and diggers for mining applications, among other things.

It was during this time that I actually spent time at a mine site. I had to fill in for a coworker that was on extended leave.

And while I lived somewhat close to the mine, the drive there and back was a real killer. 

In the morning, if you got the traffic timed wrong, it was easily 90 minutes.

Combined with the fact I had to start at about 6am, and you could probably imagine I was a wreck.

And after a day of work in front of the computer or otherwise, I was pretty shot.

Sure enough, at 6:30pm, I was in the gym training.

Work, gym, sleep, repeat.

Despite the work schedule, I did manage to maintain a relationship reasonably well and I didn't lose my mind. Both victories I think.

You see, during that period of my life, time was a factor, but I had a habit which made me happy and served me in a positive way. The gym was the best thing for me to maintain that schedule. The easiest thing would have been to make it just "work, sleep, repeat".

This isn't the part of the blog where I say that "not enough time" is an excuse and that we all have 24 hours in the day; I understand before I start making wild claims about you, I should walk a mile in your shoes so to say.

I will make the claim though, that if you feel like you don't have the time to train, it's more likely you're managing your time poorly.

Or you've been misinformed (likely by this industry) on what you need to do.

Here are some Questions and Answer which might help you find time:

Q. Do I need to train in a gym to get results?

A. No

Q. Do I need to train an hour a day to get results?

A. No

Q. I like things like walking, swimming, running, netball (or any other sport). Is that included as training?

A. Yes

Q. I really don't like training or do anything physical. Do I really have to do it?

A. Yes

A few points to note from the Q and A above.

  1. It's not all or nothing; you need to do something on a very consistent basis to get results.

  2. Training = exercise = movement

  3. Repeating point 1 above. You need to do something. I understand the word "need" is a strong word, and do not use it lightly.

Look seriously at what you give your time and attention to each day, and look for anywhere between 10 to 90 minutes where you could train.

This is your health, physically and mentally, which we're looking to improve, bit by bit. It's worth the time to look for some time.

If you want more specific tips on how to manage your time to ensure you train, check out my free ebook on time management below.

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