A Lack of Trust
A Lack of Trust
Why Do We Want Results Instantly?
A big reason many people don't get results from their efforts in training, is because of something called "program hopping".
Basically, many people struggle to stick to a program or diet long enough to get results from it.
And look for another program when things don't happen as quickly as they like.
Why the lack of trust?
Is it because we compare to other people who get a result faster?
Is it because we as an industry keep promising fast results?
Is it because we just don't trust ourselves enough to stick to it?
To turn up over and over to get the results we want.
Most often, many programs aren't actually that great.
I know my programs aren't the worlds best.
But I always get clients to focus on a very simple idea - progressive overload.
Get stronger over time.
And so, even programs that aren't the best get results, because we focus over and over on one thing.
And for many people, results do take time.
These 30 to 60 day challenges can get results.
But what about afterwards?
How do you keep the results?
And so, we still need to follow a process
A process we trust.
And trust ourselves enough to stick to it, even when results seem non-existent for a period of time.
So maybe it's not the type of training, or the new fad diet or the supplement that will get you the results at all.
Maybe it's just trusting the process.
And trusting yourself even more.
Until next time,
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