Coaching to Overcome Injury


Coaching to Overcome Injury

This pandemic time was been tough for many people. It's definitely had a hit on the business, but it will bounce back.

It's had more of a hit on individuals, especially their mental health.

What's awesome to see is one of my clients Kellie, who is going so great at the moment. It's a classic example of someone getting tougher when times are tough.

But I think back to where Kellie started; she actually came to see me when she'd injured herself again at work.

It was a lower back injury, and it was at the point where she just didn't want to deal with another injury. She was worried to twist in certain positions, knowing it would tweak or fully strain again.

So we started training nice and slowly. We didn't just work on her back, that was part of it of course, but it was a full range of strengthening exercises we were doing to make sure she was durable, not just for work, but day to day life.

And Kellie had never done any coaching before. She'd never trained in a gym or done any type of weight training, so you could imagine walking into a gym, which can sometimes feel intimidating, and asking for help, was a big step. This is another example of how it takes pain to move us usually. In this case, it was physical pain.

When I coach clients who are dealing with injury, the thing I reiterate to them, is patience. There's no need to rush back. It's better to get things right before pushing anymore then is needed.

So in this case, we did exactly that, making sure Kellie's technique was perfect.

And as the injury improved and her back not only repaired, but got stronger, we started to get more advanced in our exercises and programming.

Now, a few years later, Kellie is very proud of her body and mindset. The injury is just a distant memory too.

All this got me thinking about the power of good coaching. While that sounds a bit egotistical, I know there are plenty of good coaches out there, and unfortunately some not so good ones.

But how would Kellie have gone if she hadn't come in that day?

Hopefully she would have found another good coach, but maybe she wouldn't have. Or maybe she would have tried to push on, dealing with the pain and this recurring injury.

And it all started from one training session.

Reminding myself of that is why I've brought back the free Movement Optimisation sessions, because I know there are others out there who might be dealing with an injury too. 

Similar to Kellie, there are a couple a choices: put up with it or be proactive. The Movement Optmisation session is for those who want to be proactive. 

In the session I go over how people can still be active despite injury, how to work around, or sometimes through injuries, and how to get stronger so this problem is solved.

And like Kellie, people can move from injury to a place of strength, fitness and health.

Until next time,


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