Learn From My Mistake


Learn From My Mistake

Years ago when I started training I basically watched what other people were doing with their training at the gym. I was training with my younger brother at the time, and we had somewhat of an idea, but we made it up as we went.

Thinking about it now, there was no logic at all to our training! We just got to the gym and ripped in on chest day or whatever day it was. I'm not even sure we did warm ups. At that age you believe you can run through a brick wall, so that's what we tried to do each session.

I remember needing to go to sleep so early for the first 4 to 8 weeks because we were just crushing ourselves in the gym.

And while I very much don't recommend you do that, there was a purity and fun that came with just trying to push more and more weight each time. It was as simple as things like "How many pull ups did we do last week? Let's go for one more this week". And each week we just kept trying to get stronger and eat more.

Any progress I've made has been slowed by our lack of plan. But one things I'm proud of is the fact we took action! 

There were a few injuries along the way for me, but mostly I've avoided anything major (touch wood).

That was 13 years ago now, and I'm still training, still trying to get stronger and push a little more weight, but the program makes a little more sense!

But this got me thinking about how many people don't start with a program or a coach. I would actually think the vast majority don't, especially men. Maybe it's a right of passage thing, or more likely, being stubborn and not wanting to ask for help, but plenty of people don't actually have too much guidance with their training.

Have you had a coach before? Do you follow a program?

If not, it could be slowing your progress. You might just like changing things up on a regular basis and not feel the need for a coach. Ultimately, it's up to you to do what feels right for you.

But getting some coaching could also be the exact thing you need.

Which is why I recently decided to bring back my free Movement Optimisation session as a way to help people with their training technique, because many people never started with a coach, so it can be difficult to tell whether your technique is actually on point.

I guess it's my way of helping past Marco start off on the right foot without needing to commit to long term coaching (because I was stubborn too). 

So each Saturday at 9am I run a free Movement Optimisation session to help people with their technique, so they're training safely in the long term.

If you want to find out more, check it out here.

Until next time,


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