Are Injuries Affecting Your Health?


Are Injuries Affecting Your Health?

A client of mine Lachlan recently did 2 x 150kg trap bar deadlifts. It was a great effort since coming back from lock-down and missing time in the gym.

Yes you can still train at home, but most people just don't have the weights to do some good old fashioned heavy lifting!

And that was the case for Lachlan, who kept busy but was definitely limited by the lock down period.

And while we didn't exactly start from the start on his return, we didn't rush things either.

It's always important to remember when taking a good time away from training, you need to ease back into it; think long term.

So hitting 150kg for a double was great to see; it's taken about 6 weeks to get back and push past the levels from pre-COVID.

Even he was a little suprised I think.

What's more interesting is that for years, Lachlan has had a debilitating lower back injury. Something that has held him back with training and day to day in particular.

But we've been patient with it, slowly strengthening it to the point it is today. It's definitely not "fixed", but he feels less pain. A strong win in our eyes.

It may seem like the injury you have will keep you from doing the things you want for the rest of your life. Indeed, there are some injuries which are just bad, and no amount of recovery, rehab or drugs will helps the situation. I believe most people do not fall into this category.

I believe people are able to still do a lot more, and training is a great way to find out what that is.

Despite the exercises and movements looking hard for you at this stage, many of them can be done and experimented with in such a controlled manner, that the chance of injury is near zero.

But the chance of increasing our strength is safely is near 100%.

And this is why I developed the Movement Optimisation session for people who are looking to train despite injury, or want their form analysed to make sure they're doing things right.

Because the chances are, you can train, get fit, get strong and lead a healthy pain free life, IF you follow the right instruction and programming.

Will one session be enough to solve a long standing injury? Very unlikely, but we can at least work on ways to improve the injury in the long term.

And maybe you too can train like Lachlan and start setting your own PB's.

Until next time,


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