The Fundamentals Program - Simple and Focused Training


The Fundamentals Program - Simple and Focused Training

Everything about starting a new program can be hard. You might be training for the first time in a long time, you could be waking earlier or changing your afternoon routine. You are trying to eat different, you're meeting new people, and you might even be sore for the first few weeks.

It can be slightly overwhelming until you've got your bearings again.

When clients comes in for the month long Fundamentals Program, the focus is on teaching them how to train confidently and safely in the gym environment. It's a weight training program first and foremost, and although I do give them some great information towards the end of the program for their nutrition, recovery and mindset, the idea is to limit the overwhelm.

Teaching someone how to squat and deadlift when they've never been to the gym is enough information and change for a little while at least. There's no need to add more to it by getting them to stretch 30 minutes a day and start a new diet. That's not to say those things aren't important, but it's easy to try to change too much at the start, and end up changing not a lot at all.

And this is why the Fundamentals Program, I believe, is one of the best ways to start a training journey. It's no fuss, simple, and focused on the key movements and exercises that someone needs to be training for the long term.

Take my client Nic for example, who ran through the program last year, and now trains once a week 1 on 1 with me, but will do 2 or 3 days by herself either at home or in at the gym. This is a big change from what she was doing before the Fundamentals Program, but just goes to show how getting the confidence from good tuition can make a big difference. 

"Marco turns the gym which can be an intimidating environment into a safe and supportive opportunity to better ones own health; with a holistic view on what supports wellness in life and body Marco easily caters for all skill levels, confidence levels and most importantly emotional needs of his clients" - Nic T

Maybe a focus on training safely and correctly is the perfect platform for you add to as you become more experienced and consistent in the future.

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Until next time,


Want more guidance on how to live a healthier life, but not quite ready to join the Fundamentals Program? Download the free Ebook below ↓↓↓




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