How the Fundamentals Program Can Lead to Long Term Change


How the Fundamentals Program Can Lead to Long Term Change

What changes first: the mind or the body?

This is something that I've discussed many times with coaches. It's probably different for everybody.

I personally feel it's the body that changes first, or at least that's the easiest way to make change. And I'm saying this as a coach who believes that the physical changes we make through training don't actually mean that much at all in the grand scheme of things. Indeed, how the mind changes is the true power from training.

But initially, a physical improvement in any way can be a great motivator. The decision to change your life can be made easily and quickly. We make those decisions all the time, but rarely does our mindset change in accordance with our decision.

Training is sold as only helping us physically. It works because we're self conscious, and many of us have a desire to look good naked. There's nothing wrong with that! But for many of us, the real change happens to our mindset, much later in the process. Changing your mindset for a happier life doesn't sound as good as "get a six pack for summer".

This is why the Fundamentals Program I offer to new client is focused squarely on the physical training. It's all about teaching people how to be confident doing a wide range of exercises, knowing they're doing it correctly and safely. Unlike other programs which are focused on fat loss (also a good way to make a change), the Fundamentals Program is structured so that you know how to train for the long term, as opposed to being told what to do with a focus on a before and after photos.

Clients become more confident not only in the exercises, but in themselves and spending time in a busy gym environment. They also become stronger as we slowly push their capabilities over the month long program.

And then, when it's almost at the end, I introduce some work around mindset and changing their perspectives.

Of course, a month long training program is unlikely to completely change your life, but by focusing on things which provide the greatest long term benefit, the hope is that the program is ony the start of a life long journey in fitness.

Until next time,


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