How the Fundamentals Program Can Help Beginners


How the Fundamentals Program Can Help Beginners

Walking into a gym can be intimidating. At least, that's how I felt years ago when I started.

Partly it was the people, partly it was all the equipment. Would I look like a fool when I used it?

Things have changed in that time; there's just a bigger variety of people in gyms these days, with a wide variety of goals. There are also more women weight training which is awesome.

The machines still look a bit crazy though! And there's a whole lot of different styles of equipment which can add confusion to the process.

This feeling of intimidation and confusion is what I try to help with the Fundamentals Program I offer monthly.

Because while there is a really large variety of equipment, machines and the exercises you might see people doing when you walk into a gym, there are actually a few key movement and principles which tie them together. The Fundamentals Program is aimed at teaching you those principles so you can use a wide variety of machines and equipment and do it confidently and safely.

Take the classic exercise of the squat. This can be done using any number of pieces of equipment, but the set up for the squat is pretty standard, and once you can do this set up consistently, then you can test variations for the different pieces of equipment. Even using a classic machine like a leg press, while not exactly a squat, does have many set up cues like a squat. So all of a sudden you can do any number of individual exercises using different pieces of equipment safely and confidently, all because you learned the things that connected those exercises.

Once you're confident with the overall squat movement, pieces of equipment don't seem intimidating, and simply look like pieces equipment to be used for squatting (or any other movement you've learned through the program). The added bonus to this is now you can walk into most gyms and know what to do, and should all hell break lose like this pandemic, you can train at home and still maintain your health.

Until next time,


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