Is Finding the Time for Exercise Difficult for You?


Is Finding the Time to Exercise Difficult for You?

As we've shifted more and more to office environments, we've been able to create more comfortable jobs for ourselves. We're able to work in safe environments, mostly free of harmful substances, temperature controlled and well lit. But with this change, as is often the case, has come some negatives to ourselves.

We are moving less on a day to day basis than ever before, we're sitting in bad positions for longer and we have easier access to calorie dense, unhealthy food.

So while we're not exposed to immediate dangers, we're exposed to a slow danger which can surface in 12 months or longer.

Most people as a result, understand they need to move more than they currently do. But how do you fit in more movement while committing to a demanding job, time for the family, a social life (as social as you can be during Covid-19),  and your own relaxation?

If you're making a commitment to your health (and you should be), it's best to make movement a priority. As in, first thing in the morning.

This for many people is tough, because they're not morning people, and the idea of waking up earlier to do something they don't overly enjoy sounds pretty uninviting. 

If something is a priority, it's best to tackle it as early as possible, and exercise is no different. The idea of "getting it out of the way" early in the day not only allows you to tick a difficult challenge off early, but ensures your health is front and center in your daily routine.

Is this difficult to do? Absolutely. It takes some real discipline to wake up early to exercise. From my experience however, I've found it no easier to train later in the day, because despite the best plans, often the day goes off schedule. And after a long day in front of the computer and meetings, many people often feel more tired than they would if they had done physical work, leading to even less motivation.

This doesn't mean that everyone needs to train in the morning. Many people have the motivation and focus that no matter what their day is like, they will get their exercise in. You might become that person.

But I recommend you wake up, tick it off the list early and know that no matter what the day throws at you, at least you did something tough for your own health.

Until next time,


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