How Do You Write Everyday?
How Do You Write Everyday?
Commit Especially When You Don’t Feel Like It
I've been posting on my blog fairly consistently since the start of the year.
It's a commitment I wanted to make to myself and the business.
And while I have missed a few days here and there, I would be well above 95% consistency.
For someone on the outside, this might seem amazing.
That is close to 60 pieces of writing already this year.
How do I come up with the ideas?
How do I write so often?
Well I thought I would go over a few of the ways I do it, because these are actually applicable to your health, because being consistent with your training and diet are the key to achieving results.
I made a commitment: I put myself on the hook. I told myself I would write each day, and I'm holding myself to that. So I have intent. When it comes to your health, you have to make a commitment to yourself first. It helps to make a commitment to someone else too (partner, friend, family member, coach).
I take in a lot of ideas: I read about new ideas which I can then associated with the health and fitness industry, so the things I'm saying are simply variations of existing ideas from different fields. With your health, think about this like going to the gym. You're surrounded by people getting fit and doing what you want to do.
I just do it: the assumption is that if I write everyday, then is must be good, and the crap stuff I cut out. No, not at all. It can't all be good, in fact I have to go through the bad to get to the good. The point is the practice of it. Being consistent and showing up even when I don't feel like it, and it's kind of crap (okay, very crap). This is the same with your health and fitness - you need to show up even when you don't feel like it.
The obvious argument to this will be: "but you can't train everyday, because you'll over train and become fatigued and not get results".
Which I would agree with if training was only limited to doing maximum effort lifts in the gym everyday.
But training can be yoga, walking, swimming, riding a bike, playing any sport or doing any activity that is specifically done with the idea of improving your health.
In which case, yes, you could train everyday.
Make the commitment to yourself.
Surround yourself with people doing the same.
And just do it everyday.
Until next time,
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