Start Small


Start Small

Do the Simplest and Smallest Repeatable Action

My client Amanda trains with me once a week. She hates training, but knows it's good for her.

She doesn't complain or anything, but she looks at me with this look that's asking why? Why are you doing this to me.

It's not like I'm making her do anything over the top, but equally, it's no walk in the park.

She keeps getting results. She keeps getting stronger. And luckily for both os us, she keeps showing up.

But once a week! That's it. And even during our session, I'm not trying to fit in much at all. A one hours session is usally 4, maybe 5 exercises. Very manageable, not overwhelming, not high intensity interval for "more fat burning" (the whole "fat burning training" is a bit of a lie by the way).

Once a week, in my eyes, is about as small a start as you can get when it comes to getting fit and healthy. We haven't even looked into her nutrition because of her current living conditions; in fact, she's told me exactly what she's going to do and it sounds on point.

I understand how we assume we have to do 5 days a week of high intensity training to maximise our results. But that is an extreme, and not easily sustainable.

Instead, a small action that can be easily repeated, and then built upon is another option that might just work for you.

Lay the foundations of the house to be built upon it.

Until next time,


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