A Western View of Health


A Western View of Health

I'm not a health expert by any means, so this writing could well be talking out my ass.

But for a long time I've been interested by the Blue Zones, those areas in the world where it's said humans are the healthiest, happiest and live the longest - quite the trifecta.

What I find interesting, is that these areas seem to not follow the Western view of health, or at least the way I interpret that view.

The Western view of health as I see it, is very much about the physical (this is changing though), very much about fat loss, very much about maximizing performance.

This isn't a bad thing as such, except that the Blue Zones don't really focus on any of these things.

They stay active, connect with people and nature, eat a well balanced diet (not focused on "fat loss" as such), and have purpose - something they work towards each day.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't work to get that six pack for summer. If that's what you really want, go for it! The challenge alone is worth pursuing.

But if you just want to live a happier, healthier and longer life, maybe you don't need things like protein shakes, fat burners, fit teas, six training sessions a week, Crossfit, high intensity training, altitude training, bodybuilding, lifting shoes, lifting belts, or to post all your workouts on Instagram.

It's okay to not want to maximize everything in your life.

Until next time,


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