Why Training for Fat Loss Rarely Works


Why Training for Fat Loss Rarely Works

At Christmas, many people like to "eat their weight in food".  At the end of the year, many of us just want to relax, eat some food with friends and family and reflect on the year - imagine the reflection on 2020!

And afterwards, many people say they need to start training again because they've put on 5 kilograms.

But putting on 5 kilograms in 2 weeks is actually quite possible. Just like losing 5 kilograms is as well.

You see, fat gain and loss are things that can happen quite quickly, which is why when we're presented with yet another 12 week (or less) fat loss program, we jump on it and get results!

And since we get (some) results so quick, what do we do? We relax. We stop training, we become complacent, and then even worse, the weight comes back slowly, allowing us to develop bad habits which are hard to break.

You see when fat loss is always the goal, then we go for the shortest solution possible, leading to following methods which are unsustainable, and training which has no long term goal.

In fact, what most people need to do is train for muscle gain.

"But I don't want to look like those big bodybuilders" I hear you say.

Well that's okay, because the chances of you getting there are slim to none.

But muscle gain as a goal and training method is so difficult, it forces us to think long term. It takes so long that we have no other choice.

Interestingly, this style of training often leads a lot of people to sustainable fat loss as well....

Until next time,


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