Are You Spending Your Time or Investing Your Time?
Unless you're into fitness or training, you might think it's an absolute waste of time to go to the gym.
The thought of sweating and grunting in and around other people might be the worst thing you could think about doing.
For another person, that same amount of time is seen as an investment.
Making the effort to improve your health takes time.
One gym session or one healthy meal doesn't make a huge difference. It requires a consistent and disciplined effort over a long period of time for that to happen.
Poor health doesn't come quickly either though.
So many of use let things slip over months and years, and before we know it, we're not fitting into completely fine clothing, struggling to walk up stairs and no longer as proud of ourselves like we once were.
So was that a time investment as well?
Did we invest in our poor health or just waste our time?
Was the Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Fox Sports, good ol' fashioned television an investment or waste of time?
Was all that time behind the computer at work an investment?
Trading our time AND health for money?
It's funny to think sometimes that I train clients for 4 hours a week.
That "waste of time" is 4 hours out of 144.
I train closer to 8 hours myself...shockingly 5% of my week is spent training.
Some people spend more time than that on Facebook each week.
I understand how people might not like going to the gym.
But there are plenty of other things you could do that you might enjoy.
First though, you need to start seeing the time you spend training/exercising/moving as an investment.
Just like we put money into superannuation/a 401K, the small contribution we make today is going to help us at the back end.
The difference to to those though is that your health and mindset starts to get a benefit much earlier than retirement.
It's the gift that gives, and keeps on giving.
The later we start though, the harder it is to get those benefits now and into the future.
So, are you ready to start investing in yourself?
Check out the free ebook below that helps you better manage your time to ensure you’re looking after your health.