Rules for Life: No.1 - Work Hard

26 minutes into the game, and the whole home and away tie had changed.

And it was a familiar and famous name that appeared on the score sheet again.

The first for the game, the first of what would be a hat trick and his 122nd goal in this tournament.

After being down 2-0 away to Athletico Madrid, Juventus needed 3 goals to progress to the Quarter Finals of the Champions League.

In football, scoring one goal is hard enough, so scoring 3 is less than likely.

But once again, Cristiano Ronaldo stepped up to the mark, scoring all 3 goals and leading the team into the next stage.

I've always been a fan of Ronaldo. Probably because I'm Portuguese. But there's something different about him.

In the never ending debate between who is the best, Messi or Ronaldo, I've always actually thought Messi is better.

The more naturally talented player, the things he does on a football pitch are god-like.

And yet, there is still this debate.

People find Ronaldo to be the classic definition of the "show pony. Hogging the ball, tantrums, all the media sponsorship, while Messi is humble and let's his skills do the talking.

And yet, there is still this debate.


The reason I have followed Ronaldo's story closely, is because it's the story of hard work.

He isn't as naturally talented and indeed he may be a show pony sometimes.

But there is no denying that he has worked relentlessly to get to the top of his field. To still be in that debate.

And this is the lesson that we all need to learn; me included!

We're all told we can do anything and be anyone. This is 100% true.

But first, there must be work.

When it comes to our training, the same is true.

Yes, you can lose that weight.

Yes, you can put on that muscle.

Yes, you can completely change your life around.

But first, there must be work.

This is a take away I give clients often. 

They may be telling me a story, or telling me about their week, which I love hearing about. 

But sometimes I need to stop them. "okay, it's time to deadlift. It's time to work".

Not to be rude, but to remind them that above all, we must work.

Do you want to be Strong for Life? Do you want to get the results you dream about in all areas of your life?

Be like Ronaldo. Do the work.

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