Some Discipline Required
We don’t all need to wake up at 5am everyday, but getting healthy does require some level of self discipline.
Free Tool: Sphere of Control - How to Worry Less About the Things We Can't Control
Control what you can control, and let go of the rest. This free tool will help you understand how and what to focus your energy on.
8 Rules for a Better Life (They're More Like Guidelines)
It might be egotistical of me to think I could write an article called “Rules for Life”, but I’ve done it anyway. These, I believe will make you life happier and more awesome, with less stress. They’re more like guidelines anyway…
Why a Short Term Focus is Limiting Your Potential
A constant barrage of short term solutions to long term problems, limit our potential and ability to achieve anything to be proud about.
Overcoming Stereotypes and Why Coaching for Men Is Important
According to left leaning politically correct types, there is pressure on men to act strong, and tough and we need to teach men that’s not the only way. Yet, I’ve coached many men to get stronger and tougher, who have improved all areas of their lives, including relationships and commitment to their families because of the training. Maybe the subject isn’t as black and white as “shoulds”, but instead a matter of showing men what they “could” be if they choose.