When Life Gives You Lemons...

One of my clients recently told me how she felt her year hasn't started that well. 

As if she just can't get any momentum going.

It got me thinking how so many people must feel the same way.

Even I feel the same to a degree. I have the benefit of know I shouldn't judge myself though.

How do we get the forward momentum back?

How do we feel like the year has started good?

How do we feel positive with our days, weeks and months, and our lives overall?

There are a few common mistakes I see from people when they feel like this.

Firstly, when people feel out of sorts, they take it to the extreme.

"I feel out of sorts, so I'm going to eat bad".

"I feel out of sorts, so I'm skipping training".

"I feel out of sorts, so I'm not catching up with friends".

You can see how this can just fuel a negative cycle.

We feel bad from the shit food, from skipping that session we could have easily done, and for not catching up with friends.

So we punish ourselves and feel worse.

From my training, I've learned that only you can get that momentum. You need to take it.


Keep eating well, even if the easy option seems like the way to go; it obviously never is.

Keep training. No matter what, keep training.

I can't emphasise this enough, KEEP TRAINING.

Maybe it's just a walk, maybe it's a full blown CrossFit WOD, but keep training.

Training is the thing that's pulled me out of the shit enough times that I've lost count.

One more time: KEEP TRAINING.

In fact, whatever the easy option is, do the opposite.

Momentum is one of those things...it's up to you to get it, but life can take it away in a moment. 

Another mistake we often make is focusing on the negative event. 

"This happened to me, so everything is just going bad".

I had a car crash last year, no fault of my own. But as soon as I hopped out of the car, looked at the damage and realised it was pretty severe, I thought "well that sucks".

Even the other driver commented on how calm I was.

Yeah, that was a negative, but is that it? I had a car crash, which I walked away from. Is that the worse thing going on in my life?

A minor speed hump on this journey called life. The next day I was back at it doing my thing.

All of this, I've learned from training.

Training is that small thing we do each day to take control, move forward, try to be better.

Training is the foundation.

Training makes us Strong for Life.

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