Thinking in Generations


Thinking in Generations

In his fantastic book, The Infinite Game, Simon Sinek discusses how businesses who think about the long term, usually end up winning.

But they end up winning because they get to keep playing the game of business, not because they had a bigger quarter than a competitor in a specifically chosen set of measurements. 

You see, business is a game of infinite quarters, one after another, against competitors you do and don't know about. There are rules, usually Government laws, which business needs to follow, but aside from that each business can choose to play the game of business how it likes.

One interesting line in the book comes from the CEO of Victorinox: "We do not think in quarters, we think in generations".

This made me think about our health.

So often we think in 6 and 12 week cycles. This is because it's all we're sold, and much easier for us to imagine.

But what if, our health actually helped the health of the generations after us.

What if the example you set now for your kids, is taken by them and passed onto their kids, and so on?

What if, instead of thinking in quarters, we thought in generations?

If you're younger than 65 and reading this, it means you'll likely have a long time to deal with your health, meaning you have a long time to influence, positively or negatively, the ones you care about.

Maybe it's time we adopted a new style of thinking. 

Maybe it's time we started thinking long term.

Until next time,


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