There Are No Shortcuts When It Comes to Your Health
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. This is an important thing to know, but not overly applicable to say, getting from your home to work.
Unfortunately you have to follow the road, which often isn't straight.
But even as we drive, there's a shortest or quickest way, and all other ways are longer.
More often than not, we go the shortest way.
Is there a shortcut to work? Possibly.
But it's only the shortcut once. After that it's just the quickest way.
This is like fitness in a lot of ways. People will keep claiming they can get results in 8 minutes or 8 days or 8 weeks, but after a while, the shortcut can't get any shorter.
We want the shortcut.
We're looking for the shortcut.
Everytime we see the word "secret" in a marketing headline, we hope that's the shortcut.
Yet, we never seem to get to our destination.
What I've found from my coaching over the last few years: everything takes longer than you think it will.
This shouldn't be a surprise. It may have taken you 5, 10, 15 or more years of neglect to get to your current point. Could it be as simple of 3 months of training to undo all of that? Probably not.
How many times can you do the "shortcut" over and over and still not reach your destination?
Here at PEAK, my focus is doing things the right way. That doesn't mean we don't get lost on the road sometimes, but we're not testing fads. We're following tried and tested methods which require patience, consistency and discipline. All the things most shortcuts don't need you to have.
Helping clients achieve their fitness goals is about helping clients achieve their life goals. It's why we do 5 and 10 years goals for life through the Vision Casting process.
Fitness and health aren't in their own category. They are a part of you life, and are affected, and affect other areas of your life.
So it's only right that we put together a long term plan together.
A strategy to get from A to Z, without being distracted by claims of 6 minutes abs and 14 Day Fat Blasting plans.
If you want to keep looking for shortcuts, but never ending up at the place you want to get to, by all means, keep getting distracted.
But if you're ready to follow the best way to get results, then message below and start this journey together.