You Can't Leave Depression or Happiness to Chance

Mental health is a big topic these days, and a personal one for me. I struggled with depression years ago. It feels like a lifetime ago now.

How depression comes about is different for everybody. Sure, there's likely a chemical imbalance in the brain, but the environments or events that bring it on are unique to each person who is inflicted.

I do know, that once you're an adult, it's up to you to ensure it doesn't come on, set in or take hold. Depression can't be left to chance. You can't assume that everything will be sunshine and happiness in life. Life is struggle, and eventually, you'll struggle too.

On the same token, we can't leave happiness to chance. We can't think that going through life will just make us happy. The classic midlife crisis proves this over and over.

I don't believe that training is the cure for everyone's depression, but I do believe that no training increases the chance of us having it; and not being happy.

Training is that outlet each day for us to struggle in a way that improves us. Training is that effort we make to improve how we think. It's that time we work on ourselves. It's that time we take control of our life through hard work.

Will it hold off depression? Will it bring us back? I hope it will, but that's not a guarantee. 

Whenever I do it, it's my way of not leaving it to chance. though. My focused effort to move towards better.

It's about being intentional and taking action to get what you want. 

We talk so much about the physical benefits of training, as if everyone's goal is the six pack. The goal isn't how we look. The goal is control. Control of how we look, control of how we think...control of our life.

The best way to not leave depression to chance? Take control.

Want to Learn More About How to Improve Your Health? Check out The PEAK Podcast

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