The Benefits of Training - What Else Could You Achieve?

Opening my mind to my potential, started with getting bigger biceps.

Actually, opening my mind started with changing my body.

It's hard to understand what you can achieve until you overcome challenge.

For me, that was depression. It was also overcoming the weights, day in, day out. Overcoming my soreness, being tired and lack of motivation to go to the gym for a training session again.

It's sounds so small and easy doesn't it? Almost like I'm making this up. 

Go to gym, improve life. That's all it takes.

But actually, most people don't even train, let alone do it consistently and to a level that actually leads to fat loss and muscle gain.

I'm not even making myself sound like I'm special, it''s just the truth that most people don't challenge themselves like I and the regulars I used to see would do. 

All of us can do more. All of us can do better.

Most of us want to as well. But it's hard to know where or how to start.

I like to keep it simple; start with your own body.

Dedicate yourself to shaping your body into something that you're proud of, something built from sweat, hard work, discipline and consistency and durable as rock.

This isn't about showing off for anyone else; it's simple about carving something special.

And once you've done that, what will happen? Aside from that sense of pride you'll get, along with added levels of energy, focus and discipline, you'll ask yourself "What else can I shape? What else can I apply the lessons I've learned from shaping my body to?"

And the answer will come, and it will be eye opening.

The rest of my life.

The rest of your life. Your own mindset.

That is what you can shape.

And once you realise you can take control of that, you'll realise your true potential.

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