An Art Project


An Art Project

“One Size Fits All” Programs Don’t Work

I recently described my business as an art project.

It was a way to distinguish from the systemized way in which most businesses run.

Of course, business systems are essential for a business to be successful.

I have also developed back end systems to make my processes faster and less painful.

But one thing I've believed for a long time, is that your health and fitness isn't part of a system.

And coaching definitely isn't about ticking items off the list.

Coaching is about changing people, and helping them change for the better.

Coaching, almost more than anything, is an art project.

The trend now is to cram as many people into a class.

A one size fits all training program that obviously can't fit all.

I'm yet to find the program or diet which does.

And most coaches actually knows this doesn't get results.

Of course, for some people, that type of training and system is perfect.

It's casual, easy to commit to and fun.

These benefits, along with just more overall movement can't be discounted.

But I can't help but think that a system created for all is more about making money more than helping clients change.

When it's more about efficiency than helping people genuinely change, it's no longer an art project.

Art changes people, hopefully for the better.

And so, this business is an art project.

Never the McDonald's of fitness and coaching, never the biggest money spinner in this industry, but an art project.

Does this limit me?

Definitely if we measure only based on money.

But maybe there are other measures, measures which take into account the results of the client?

There's nothing wrong with McDonald's, it's convenient and fast after all, but those things are very rarely linked to better health.

Until next time,


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