Better is Possible


Better is Possible

Instead of Thinking Big, Think Small

It's easy to get caught up thinking about getting to 8% body fat in 12 weeks.

So often we are convinced to dream big and go for amazing goals.

The same happens with our health and fitness.

"Aim for the stars and if you fall short you'll land on the moon".

These types of sayings are well meaning, but they get us to go for the hail mary play.

In American Football terms, the hail mary play is that last ditch effort to win the game with a seemingly impossible play.

The problem is, it discounts the previous 99% of the game.

Why was the team even in a position where they needed to do something like that?

The same goes for you.

Why do you need to go for the grandest, over the top goal?

Now this isn't to say big goals are bad or shouldn't be pursued.

But setting a big goal is one thing.

Following the steps required to get there is another.

And sometimes the goal is so big, we get overwhelmed and start skipping steps.

We set aside the process for the result, and end up with neither.

Instead, especially in fitness, I think a better mindset would be - better is possible.

When we think better is possible, we go back to the process.

There's no overwhelm with better.

There's no far fetched goal 12 weeks, or 12 years away.

No, today, better is possible.

And how do we do better?

We show up, we follow the process.

Because the other option is not showing up.

The other option is the easy one you always take.

And simply by showing up, and putting in your best effort for that day, you add to the "better" column.

And when you add up better and better, you get better.

And you do reach goals.

And even if you don't, you're way further down the road than before, simply because you focused on the process.

Until next time,


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