Build Your Streak
Build Your Streak
Consistency Leads to Results
Imagine if 6 weeks was all you needed to get fit, healthy and lean.
6 Week Challenges would be all the rage, and I'd be out of a job.
And we'd all be pretty fit, healthy and lean.
But 6 week Challenges rarely work.
Not even 12 week Challenges.
Yes people get some results, but not as much as they want.
Simply put, it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve results.
And the best way to do it is simply by being consistent.
Consistent over a really long time in fact.
And so a simple way to do this is by building a streak.
A run of training sessions in a row.
A run of days where you're active for 15 to 30 minutes.
And the streak, makes you want to keep the streak going.
"But won't that lead to overtraining?".
A good question, but it's based on the assumption everyday is hard training to failure.
What if some days was a walk?
Others yoga.
And others those hard sessions in the gym.
But all of them adding to the streak.
No thoughts about should I or shouldn't I.
Just a daily commitment to move for 15 to 30 minutes.
So if consistently is the key, make it a forgone conclusion, and build your streak.
Until next time,
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