Dr. Feelgood


Dr. Feelgood

Why Training Should Be Your Go-To Daily Habit

Eating healthy is hard.

Diets are hard.

Getting lean and looking sexy (according to society's guidelines, whatever they are...) is hard.

But our nutrition is the key to achieving those amazing results. the saying "abs are made in the kitchen", indicating that our nutrition plays the biggest part in looking lean, is absolutely correct.

Nutrition is the hardest part of it all though, mainly, I think because of two reasons:

  1. It's never ending: seriously, you eat like 3 times a day, and you need to think about it everyday, and going to the shops is a hassle. It just won't end!

  2. Eating healthy isn't very rewarding: well it is in the long run, but in the present moment, donut (or ice cream, chocolate, chips etc) vs salad; it's no contest. The unhealthy food is so much more rewarding in the present moment, that it becomes a hard addiction to break.

So yeah, nutrition is tough and not that fun (although eating healthy totally can be).

But what is rewarding, is training.

Yes, it does suck in the moment as well, but when you go to the gym to train for 1 hour, there is an end in sight. It's finite. And it's (most often) only once each day. Once a day is pretty easy to handle when it has a relatively short time frame as well.

And when you're finished - those endorphins just make you feel very awesome.

A sense of accomplishment sweeps over you.

You're tired, yet you feel like you have more energy.

You're focused.

You feel alive.

You feel proud.

You feel confident.

And those are some feelings you can definitely get used to.

So while everyone wants the new latest diet, it's the training I always recommend first.

Don't get me wrong, your nutrition is where the results really happen.

But there's no better way to get healthy then repeatedly doing the thing that instantly makes you feel good.

Just like that unhealthy food satisfies a craving and immediate want, so too does training, but in a way no food (or much at all) can offer.

Do something difficult, and be rewarded with the feelings we always want to feel.

It doesn't get much better than that.

So if there is one daily habit you need in your life, it's training.

This can be an actual training session in a gym, or a walk, run, swim, bike ride, pick up game of any sport with friends, an organised sport with friends or anything else that will get the heart rate up (and no, this doesn't include sex).

So start putting that exercise into your daily calendar.

It's the one habit that can truly change your life.

Until next time,


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