I'm Motivated for Work Today


I'm Motivated for Work Today

We Need Commitment, Not Motivation

"I'm motivated for work today!"

This is an expression you might say sometimes.

And equally it might not.

Because the truth is, we're not always motivated for work.

There are plenty of other things we want or could do.

But we go to work, because we need money to buy goods and services.

And because we're professionals.

We signed a contract that said "I will work for this amount of time, and you will pay me this much".

And even though we don't always want to go to work, that contract means something to us.

Now, another expression you might say is "I'm motivated for exercise today!"

And equally, it might not.

Now unfortunately, you're not compensated in money for your exercise.

But you do receive other benefits: more energy, focus, strength, confidence, pride, clothing fitting better, less weight, better sleep.

Many benefits of which work can't provide.

And yet...

And yet, you won't go to the gym when you're not feeling motivated.

You'll find an excuse not to and justify it.

And month after month, year after year you'll talk about how you "should" focus on your health.

You actually have a template for doing something when you're not motivated.

Your work is the perfect example.

You're a professional, you turn up, you do the work as best as you can, even when you're not feeling it.

You can apply that same mindset to your exercise.

You can be a professional with your health.

You can turn up over and over, even if you don't feel like it and get the results you want.

Because you and I both know that motivation isn't what's required to get things done.

Until next time,


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