Kellie Hated Training
Kellie Hated Training
One my best and most consistent clients, Kellie, hated training.
Okay, hate is a strong word to grab your attention, but she definitely didn't enjoy it or like it much, especially at the start.
In fact, it's only in the last 6 to 9 months that she has started to enjoy it.
Kellie came to me looking for help with a recurring back injury. Lower back injuries are always a delicate thing, and common among many people.
Kellie came because she had a need. If it wasn't for the back injury, I doubt she'd be my client.
It’s now been more than 3 years that we've been training together.
So that means for close to 2 and a half years, Kellie didn't like training.
For even more context, we overcame her injury easily within the first 3 to 6 months.
Why didn't she leave earlier?
I'm going to claim with just a touch of ego, that it was because of me and my coaching style.
But if I'm being really honest, Kellie understood the benefit of training, even if she didn't enjoy it.
It was about doing what she needed to for her long term health.
COVID definitely changed Kellie. She's gone from someone who was more focused on the weekend, the drinking and the partying, to someone who is focused on her health.
Instead of getting those moments of pleasure from dancing and alcohol, followed up by the next day of feeling like a zombie, she now has a more consistent and overall better level of energy, happiness and confidence.
Sure, COVID forced it, but Kellie has embraced it fully.
After 3 years, she finally understands the true benefit of training. That feeling. Having that all the time.
Now, when the training gets tough, I see her go to another place. Maybe it's anger, maybe it's darkness, maybe it's a happy place. Either way, she's gone from someone who was happy to complain about the training, to someone who wants it ever more challenging.
Now, I don't believe everyone needs to fall this deeply into training. Kellie is unique in this way.
But something each person must do for their health is understand the difference between short and long goals and outcomes.
You see, Kellie didn't like the training, but understood the long term benefit. She gave up short term pleasure (she choose discomfort), for long term health.
Most of us actually choose short term pleasure, and most short term pleasures, when repeated, have a negative effect on us in the long term.
Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, donuts or whatever super unhealthy food you like, Netflix, Instagram, masturbation, sex. They all feel great at the time. When only consumed every now and then, harmless, but they can easily become addiction.
The pleasure is great, but only for the short term.
Health, and almost anything else that is actually good for us, usually sucks at the time, but adds up to something better.
Kellie understood this. She knew that pleasure was fleeting, and the discomfort she was going through was going to add up.
And now, she's at a place that most people only dream of.
But you don't need to dream any longer. All you need to do is make that choice, no matter how uncomfortable it feels in this moment.
Until next time,
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