Kylie Doesn't Want to Train With Everyone


Kylie Doesn't Want to Train With Everyone

Group Training Isn't for Everyone

One of my clients Kylie (not her real name) doesn't want to train with everyone.

I love Kylie - she's a real no nonsense client.

She comes into training for herself.

She's not there to make friends and be part of the community.

She's there to get strong and fit.

That doesn't mean she isn't nice to all my other clients, but she just has a very clear understanding of what she wants from her training.

She enjoys my semi private coaching for that reason.

In the semi private training, you training with everyone else, but you follow your own program.

And while sometimes that means clients do work together on certain exercises and machines, mostly people are following their own programs to achieve their specific goals.

It provides a community aspect, but also the individual aspect most people need to achieve their fitness goals.

Now I don't have a problem with people doing big group training classes.

They're a lot of fun and the community is great.

And if it's the type of training you can commit to, then do it!

The problem often is that if a program is made for everyone, it's kind of made for no one as well.

So fun and community are achieved, but don't expect much in the way of results, if that's what you want.

And it's okay to not want to train with everyone, and it's okay to want to.

Some questions to yourself then is:

What's more important - fun and community or results?

Can I have both?

The answers to those could help decide where and how you should train.

Until next time,


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