Make Them Feel Bad


Make Them Feel Bad

Here's a bit of insider information about the fitness industry (not really, but this first sentence is aimed at generating intrigue).

We mostly try to make you feel bad for not having a killer body. And since you feel like shit, you're driven to make a change. A lot of marketing is based on this in fact. Even Apple makes you feel like you're not cool enough if you don't have the latest iPhone, even though you know having friends who like you for an iPhone is pretty weird.

This isn't a bad thing by the way, because humans are often driven to avoid pain. We're weird like that.

We provide the solution in really quick ways as well, to make you think you can have that killer body soon. So everything is 30 Days this, and 8 Week challenge that.

And they actually work a bit, because when you change something in your life, well, things tend to change.

So now you're convinced you're on the path to having that killer body, except...

Things stop changing, because there was no actual plan for them to keep changing. Not only that, things will change one way or another without you doing anything. In fact the plan should have been for GROWTH, which is actually positive change.

And so you go back to feeling like shit because you didn't get that killer body. Also you stop training and eating well and this puts you even further away from the killer body, and feeling like shit because you quit. This is quite the shit show obviously.

But, if you're lucky you'll realise that:

  1. Having the killer body is great, but it's the process and struggle to get the killer body, or just healthier in some substantial way, where the GROWTH, satisfaction and happiness happens and...

  2. If it's all about the process, then it probably makes sense to follow a process that is sustainable for longer than 8 weeks

Until next time,


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