Reassurance if Futile
Reassurance if Futile
You Have Everything You Need Inside You
"I'm not sure I can do it".
"What happens if I can't do it?".
"I've never done something like this before".
All of these statements are hoping for something.
Something from me, something from another person.
They're all said in the hope of gaining reassurance.
The problem is, reassurance fades, so we need a constant supply.
Maybe it's how we were brought up by parents and teachers, always seeking their approval.
In the school system especially, that approval meant we moved on.
More useless awards.
So now, as adults, we're still seeking that reassurance.
"If you think I can do it, then I can do it!".
Well here's the one bit of reassurance - you can do it.
So go, do.
As I coach clients, I'm giving reassurance in one way or another.
Comments on being consistent.
Comment on form and technique.
But they can't be doing it because I give approval.
Deep down, they have to drive their change.
On the day they feel like it, and especially on the days they don't.
It's not easy to do.
It's about believing in yourself, something we all struggle to do sometimes, me included.
But when we wait on someone else approval or reassurance, we give up some of our own power.
No, we all have it in us.
There's one sure fire way to break the chain of seeking constant reassurance, which is fleeting anyway - sit down and do the work.
Or get to the gym and do the program.
Over and over, proving to yourself you can do it.
Stop looking for reassurance from yourself.
And find it in yourself instead.
(This is as much a blog for myself as it is for you!)
Until next time,
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