The Shortest of Shortcuts


The Shortest of Shortcuts

Question What's Being Offered in the Fitness Industry

Years ago, there was a fad going around called a lemon detox diet, where you'd only drink lemon water for a week or something idiotic like that.

Even now there are all types of fat burners and fit teas - it actually hurts my soul to type those things.

And of course, we can't forget our 8 week challenges, which have been shortened to 30 days, and I've even seen 14 day fat loss challenges.

It seems we all want the shortest of shortcuts.

A short cut, of course, is meant to save us time.

But why do we never question the short cut?

If your GPS told you to drive across the river without the bridge you'd pause and think "does this make sense?".

Are we all so desperate for any results now, that we miss some obvious things.

In actual fact, you can lose fat (weight) in 14 days, but do we believe that's it?

Shouldn't we ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, it takes longer than that.

After all, every other person seems to take a long time to get their results.

It's not that trying to do something in the shortest possible time is a bad thing.

It's just when it comes to your health, consistency is the biggest factor to success.

And it needs to be consistency over a long time period, generally longer than two to eight weeks.

Plus, your health tends to be a long term problem, so even when you get results, you still need to maintain them, requiring further consistency beyond a two to eight week period.

In fact, if we think about a shortcut as something not involving time, we can helps ourselves.

What if the shortcut was about simplicity?

What if, doing the simple (but not easy) task of being consistent for a long period of time is the shortcut?

The other option is starting and stopping over and over again, until you tested all the shortcuts that don't work.

Until next time,


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