The Invisible Line in the Sand


The Invisible Line in the Sand

The Commitment You Seek Starts in Your Mind

"Of course it's not in the sand, it's in our minds. One side of the line says "I'm an artist, I'm okay with the pain, I commit to the strategy, I will make a ruckus. The other side says, "Hide me"". - Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception.

The line in the sand, or in your mind, is the place you can't turn back.

Of course you want to be healthy.

And of course you understand why it's good to be healthy.

But it's not easy, and you know it.

So you hide.

You can see the line, but crossing it means there's no going back.

You have a taste with what healthy feels like.

Sure, you actually can go back to the ways things were.

But you'll feel like a failure.

You'll feel like you let yourself down.

And it will annoy you to know that you tried but are instead choosing to hide.

You're not actually a failure.

You might have failed, but that doesn't make you a failure.

And that's no reason to go back over the line and hide again.

The biggest shame is, you might be hiding because you feel like it takes too much commitment.

Like you don't have the time or resources.

Yet, people get fitter and healthier everyday by simply making better choices.

Choices that come after they've committed to cross the invisible line in the sand.

Maybe, instead of the looking for the latest fads or the shortest short cuts, you make the commitment in your mind first.

Until next time,


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